Written by Virginia Brown, BioElectric Shield Company
After I gained some weight, and my pants ceased to fit, I decided it was time to take some action. So I promised myself that I'd exercise on something called the Cellerciser (More Info). Anyway, I started with 5 minutes, three times a week, and over the past few months have worked my way up to 15 minutes each session.
Trust me, there have been many times when I've had great intentions to do something regularly. The first week went great. The second week was ok. By the 3rd week I had a bunch of reasons of why I just didn't have the time to do "it", whatever the "it" was. I justified my actions, but there was a part of me that always felt like I’d really sold out on myself. Enter Michael Beckwith with a new take on keeping promises to yourself, i.e., "personal discipline".
The other morning I was reading Michael Beckwith's book, Spiritual Liberation. You probably remember he was in the DVD, The Secret, and was the pastor of a very cool church in L.A. He really seemed to transcend any picture I had of a pastor. He seems to draw on Buddhism, Quantum Physics, Christ Consciousness and many universal principles that were discussed in "The Secret". As soon as I read it, I wanted to share it with you. I was pretty sure we've all had to deal with doing things we didn't want to, and he has a great take on the perks of "bucking up" and showing up, especially when your mind is trying to take you out.
In his book, Spiritual Liberation., Michael Beckwith suggests that discipline becomes "blissiphine" when we realize that keeping promises to ourselves produces great joy. He says, if you want something to change in your life, consider the power of discipline. Discipline comes from the root "disipere", to comprehend, to discern clearly. Discipline is the mental prowess that supports you in keeping a promise to yourself even when you don't feel like it.
He explains this by saying discipline supports you taking action because it means your soul is "awake". When you are awake, you remember that the goal you created from the wisdom of your Higher Self is worth sweating for. You take the action despite the emotional resistance that will arise during your journey.
After reading his book, exercise changed from a duty to something I get to do for my body. Happily, most of the jeans fit again. The funny thing about this is that I find myself really happy after I finish each 15 minute session. It's not just happy because it's over; what's really great is that I am keeping a promise to myself.
Beckwith says discipline is possible when you have the knowingness that your emotional resistance is simply your mind or ego rebelling against you doing life differently! When you tune into your Higher Mind, you'll be able to see that your goal is part of your spiritual liberation, to be the person you know you can be and WANT to be.
So let's say your goal is to walk 3 times a week. You've already walked twice, but now it's Saturday; it's raining and cold, and your emotional "child" begins the list of reasons of why walking is a VERY bad idea.
Blissiphine takes over. You rise out of bed, get dressed and walk out the door, ignoring the ongoing list of why this is really stupid. As you start to walk, your breathing deepens, your walk gets straighter, and you pick up your pace. You're walking tall because you DID IT - you kept your promise to yourself! How do you think the rest of your day will go? FANTASTIC - because you honored your own promise to yourself. Go for it - get a dose of "blissiphine" today!
Michael Beckwith's book, Spiritual Liberation, is filled with many more wonderful insights similar to this. It's available from Amazon at a great price (used copies too)Follow this link: Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential
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